
Friday, September 28, 2012

Free Ebook Last Shot: Star Wars

Free Ebook Last Shot: Star Wars

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Last Shot: Star Wars

Last Shot: Star Wars

Last Shot: Star Wars

Free Ebook Last Shot: Star Wars

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Last Shot: Star Wars

Product details

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Audible Audiobook

Listening Length: 11 hours and 12 minutes

Program Type: Audiobook

Version: Unabridged

Publisher: Random House Audio

Audible.com Release Date: April 17, 2018

Language: English, English


Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

Oh man, this hurts. Im going to try and explain without major spoilers, but if you are worried about that, you are deluding yourself into thinking this book is worth spoiling.And before i start getting bashed as a hater or a fanboy who hates disney, let me tell you, i LOVE what disney has been doing. Loved Last Jedi, love the idea of spin offs, man i even loved the first aftermath book. I have consumed every bit of starwars, ive purchased every single Legends book ever published, and i never thought id come across something i hated. Until this book.This book just isnt starwars. It doesnt feel like starwars. Some people were so put off with the aftermath books, but i can deal with wierd writing styles. But this book just didnt know what it wanted to be. It is written in a juvenule prose (caf!) (Ass whuppin!), etc.. Everything is way over the top, the author over used the concept of flashbacks, literally. Every. Single. Chapter. Fliped across 3 different timelines its jarring and takes you out of the story.Character development was abysmal.. cant even say it existed, really. They introduce a human character who has a non-binary gender identity, which ok if youre going to try and add to the universe and branch away from traditional character archetypes, at least give us a background for them so we actually care. It just comes off as (hey look at me, im woke too guys!). Lando's love interest? No backgound, no character development aside from 'hey im here, and ive like lando for years!' Dont even get me started on an ewok slicer. Ok yeah, right, a civilization who used sticks and rocks for weapons and thinks a droid is a god is simehow capable of slicing into complex galactic government databases 2 years later??? And the gungan.. wasted opportunity. Just felt like the authir made a poor attempt to right george lucas' wrongs by "fixing" the gungans by making one talk "normal". But like anither reviewer stated: gungans= proud race, dont need fixing. The only thing the author accomplished was manage to make Han Solo come off as a racist d bag... not cool man.I could complain for days.. its that bad. Ive never, NEVER, written an online review for anything.. in my life. But i had to for this book. The ONLY thing that is keeping me from snapping my kindle in half as i read this is the fact the author did a decent job if showcasing Han's inner turmoil and ineptitude at fatherhood and explains part of the reason Ben Solo turn out as the disgruntled galactic being of the year. Lastly, this book is not worth $15. Do yourself a favor, get a group together and split the purchase of a paperback and share it. The people at disney dropped the quality control ball on this one. You want to bring in fresh blood? Fine, but make sure it is a product worth charging me for. Every. (Slams the table) Single.(another slam) Time. (Final slam)

I read the Kindle edition of Last Shot.Set a few years after the destruction of the second Death Star, with flashbacks 10, 15, and 20 years prior, Last Shot follows Han Solo and Lando Calrissian on a hunt for the Pau'an (from Utapau) Fryzen Gor.Gor was a promising medical student when he was captured, starting his path towards attempted galaxy domination using droids. The book starts with an attempt on Lando's life. Lando guilts Han into going after Gor, leaving Leia and young Ben behind.The book bounces confusingly between the events of today (i.e. a few years after ROTJ) and 10, 15, and 20 years prior. Lando and Han have both had run-ins with Gor in the past, and now must stop him before he destroys Cloud City and anyone else who has purchased one of Lando's new droids.Other than Han finally revealing to Leia that he feels like a lousy father and husband, we don't learn much about Han or Lando in this story. There is good action, but the abrupt switches between timelines took a lot of getting used to.If you are itching for a new Star Wars book to read, this one isn't bad, but it isn't good either. It was a quick read, but I can't imagine wanting to go back to read it again.

I had high hopes for this book. Who doesn't love a good Han and Landon story? But this is not a good Han and Lando story. It's a really, really bad one. The book jumps around haphazardly between different time points with no flow to the story. In the later half of the book, the story gets really bizarre and doesn't feel like a Star Wars story and a climax that doesn't fit even more. The only redeeming part of the book is Han struggling to be a good father and Lando in a budding relationship that I hope we get more of.

Pretty evenly divided between Han and Lando, this story takes place across three periods of time. (Well, more than that, but mainly three.) We see young Lando and young Han separately crossing paths with a particular device about five years apart from each other. Years later, following the events of Return of the Jedi, that device comes back to haunt them, and they set off together to resolve the situation once and for all. While the scenes featuring the younger characters--which probably tie into the upcoming movie, Solo, in some fashion--were fun, and it was nice to see Star Wars comic book character Sanna Starros in the pages of a book, the story featuring the older characters felt richer to me. We got to see the characters at transitional points in their lives, trying to reconcile their younger days as scoundrels and smugglers with who they have become: Han is now a husband and father, and Lando has become a successful, legitimate businessman. I appreciated that the three timelines were interwoven, with the events gradually being revealed and shedding light on the other parts of the story, rather than told chronologically. And I'm always happy to see Ewoks featured in a Star Wars story, so the inclusion of Peekpa the Ewok genius hacker made me smile.

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Last Shot: Star Wars PDF


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